sobota, 21 czerwca 2014

Quilling turtle

Jakiś czas temu znalazłam na stronie fb quillingcard kartkę z super żółwikiem. Pomyślałam od razu o mojej znajomej, która szaleje wprost za żółwiami i z myślą o niej postanowiłam takiego żółwika zrobić. Gdyby go nie zechciała na pewno został by ze mną.

A oto jak się żółwik prezentuje:

Żółwik został zaakceptowany i w najbliższym czasie "popłynie" do Norwegii - bardzo mnie to cieszy
Pozdrawiam serdecznie właścicielkę żółwika i zapraszam na kolejne posty

4 komentarze:

  1. Uroczy! :) Ileż magicznych stworzeń umiesz wyczarować. Proste, ale piękne.

  2. Our system is currently fully automatic. However, it may
    be important for the user to be given creative control over
    the final design. We may achieve that in the future by incorporating
    our approach into other interactive systems, such
    as those by [Gla02a, Gla02b, HE06]. In addition, the presented
    geometric formulations here do not take into account
    the physical characteristics of paper. In actual pop-up design,
    the thickness, mass, strength and elasticity of paper are
    important considerations. Lastly, we do not have quantitative
    assessment of the aesthetic quality of our pop-ups. Such
    measurements can be very beneficial in

  3. Our approach has difficulty in approximating curved and
    rounded parts, since we only have rectangular and triangular
    prisms as primitives. Professional artist are able to approximate
    these shapes in their work using very specialized
    rounded or curved mechanisms. These specific mechanisms
    however are not included because their formulations would
    require a different definition of stability, under the assumption
    of non-rigid and bendable paper
    Read more :
